因為小睡是重要的,因此專家建議可以制定一個日程計畫表。 在不影響小睡的前提下,計畫寶寶的各種活動
--- 如果你可以在每天大約相同的時間將寶寶放到床上開始小睡,你的寶寶可以更簡單地建立規律性的睡眠模式。
大體上來說,如果寶寶可以在與晚上睡覺的地方進行小睡,那可以讓她建立最佳的睡眠習慣 (與有最佳品質的一覺)
--- 當然會有一段時間,你需要將寶寶放在她的汽車安全座椅或者是推車中,才能讓他感覺睡意。
別等到你的小孩極度的疲累才開始你的睡前儀式。你的孩子可能會過於興奮而睡不好 -- 或者根本睡不著。
-- 縱使你的好朋友跟你說他的小孩一天可以小睡三個小時。
你的寶寶可能是天生的淺眠者(catnapper: a person with a short, light nap or doze),
新生兒 | 大約需要10.5到18小時(以24小時為一區塊) 沒有一定的模式,你的新生兒一次的睡眠也許需要幾分鐘到數小時,每次醒來都需要進食。 |
1個月 | 大約需要10.5到18小時 你的寶寶開始區分日與夜的不同。他可能開始在晚上的時候睡得比較多,但是早上的時候依舊睡很多。 |
2個月 | 大約需要10.5到18小時 雖然現在比較靈敏,以及有比較多的社交行為,多數的寶寶一天依然需要2-4次的小睡 (或者更多)。 你的寶寶開始跳過夜奶。 |
3個月 | 大約需要10.5到16.5小時 有些這個年紀的寶寶(並非所有的)可以在晚上睡6-8個小時 (sleep for long stretches of 6 to 8 hours at night)。 早上的時候有2-3次的小睡。 |
6個月 | 大約需要13.25到14.25小時 晚上的時候,寶寶基本上可以睡約9-11個小時。 小睡也許減少到早上一次、下午一次 (有些寶寶依然有3-4次的小睡) |
9個月 | 大約需要13到14小時 大約三分之四的寶寶現在可以睡過夜 (指不會在半夜到早上五點之間醒來) ( sleeping through the night ) 有些寶寶可以一覺到天亮,睡10到11個小時,中間完全沒有醒來。 在這個年紀的寶寶,很可能會在早上有兩次的小睡,分別是在早上和下午。 但是她可能很難入睡或者是睡得很熟,這都是因為分離焦慮症的關係( separation anxiety ) |
12個月 | 大約需要12.5到13.75個小時 晚上的睡眠可持續10-11個小時,再加上早上兩次短一點的小睡 |
18個月 | 大約需要12.5到13.5小時 到現在這個年紀,你的幼兒已經不需要早上的小睡。(morning nap) 他在接下來的幾年間還是需要午睡。(hang on to that afternoon nap ) 大部分這個年紀的孩子晚上還是可以睡10到11個小時 |
翻譯:Jasmine Ma
By this time, the frequency of your baby's naps may have decreased to twice a day -- once in the morning and once in the afternoon. (This usually happens between 4 and 12 months.) Naps are an important source of the total amount of sleep your baby needs to develop properly.
Experts consider napping so important, in fact, that they recommend making a set schedule for it. Plan activities so they don't interfere with naps whenever possible -- your baby will develop regular sleep patterns more easily if you put him down for naps at roughly the same time every day. Generally a baby develops the best sleep habits (and has the best-quality shut-eye) if he naps in the same place he sleeps at night -- though of course there will be times when you need him to catch his zz's in his car seat or stroller.
You may want to use an adaptation of your bedtime routine to put your baby down for a nap. Your naptime ritual can be shorter and less elaborate than your bedtime ritual: a story, a song, and a cuddle, for example.
If your baby has a hard time settling down for a nap, it may be that he's overstimulated. Don't wait until your child is extremely tired before beginning your going-to-sleep routine. If you do, your child may be too wound up to sleep well -- or even to sleep at all. You may want to keep playtime mellow right before your baby's nap. Loud noises and roughhousing could make it hard for your child to settle down and go to sleep.
If your child isn't much of a napper, don't blame yourself or your parenting skills -- even if your best friend reports that her child is taking three-hour naps every day. All you can do is offer your child the opportunity to sleep by preparing him and putting him down on a consistent schedule.
Your baby may be a natural catnapper, consistently napping for less than an hour at a time. As long as he doesn't seem too tired, fussy, or difficult during waking hours, he's getting the sleep he needs.
From: Babycenter
Your child's sleep and nap timeline(From: Babycenter)
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Baby |
About 10 1/2 to 18 hours (in a 24-hour period). Without much of a pattern, your newborn probably sleeps a few minutes to several hours at a time and wakes often to refill his little tummy |
1 month
About 10 1/2 to 18 hours. Your baby's beginning to adapt to the difference between day and night. She'll probably catch most of her shuteye during nighttime hours, but still sleep a lot during the day. |
2 months
About 10 1/2 to 18 hours. Though more alert and social now, most babies are still taking two to four (or even more) naps a day. Your baby may start skipping one middle-of-the-night feeding. |
3 months
About 10 1/2 to 16 1/2 hours. Some (not all!) babies this age can sleep for long stretches of 6 to 8 hours at night. Most take two or three daytime naps. |
6 months
About 13 1/4 to 14 1/4 hours. At night, babies typically log around 9 to 11 hours of sleep. Daytime naps may be down to one in the morning and one in the afternoon (though some babies are still taking three or even four short snoozes). |
9 months
About 13 to 14 hours. Nearly three-fourths of babies are now sleeping through the night (usually defined as not waking up between midnight and 5 a.m.). Some get all their nighttime slumber in a single shot, sleeping 10 to 11 hours without waking. At this age, your baby's likely to take two solid naps a day, morning and afternoon. She may have trouble getting to sleep and staying asleep, thanks to separation anxiety. |
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Toddler |
12 months
About 12 1/2 to 13 3/4 hours. Sleep continues to total 10 to 11 hours at night, plus two daytime naps that may be getting a bit shorter. |
18 months
About 12 1/2 to 13 1/2 hours. By now, your toddler's morning nap is probably kaput, but thankfully she'll probably hang on to that afternoon nap for another couple of years. Most kids this age still sleep about 10 to 11 hours at night. |